Either installation is fine, as long as the deflector is NOT angled forward!
Cruiser configuration
These 45 degree angle brackets will create a deflector position that is upright, if your existing windshield is angled back.

Notes: Your existing windshield must be less than a 45 degree angle to use these brackets, or the deflector will angle forward.
Sport configuration
These zero degree brackets will create a deflector position that will be directly inline with your existing windshield.

Notes: Your existing windshield can be at any rearward angle to use the zero degree brackets.

These brackets are not adjustable!
Why? Strength. No adjustable type mounting bracket would survive at performance boat speeds.
Things to consider before you order...
- It is a personal decision on how you want your wind deflector to look. The brackets are strong enough to handle either position as long as the deflector does not angle forward!
- The Sport installation will place the upper edge of the deflector further back in the boat, and closer to the passengers.
- The Cruiser installation will place the upper edge of the deflector further away from the passengers and possibly offer better protection.
Keep these things firmly in mind when ordering your WindAways wind deflector kit.